Kohelet Yeshiva
Kohelet Yeshiva


Redwood City, CA, USA


11-50 employees

founded in


MISSION Kohelet Yeshiva is a warm and embracing Modern Orthodox K-12 yeshiva day school committed to cultivating Bnei and Bnot Torah who think critically and creatively while exuding confidence and compassion. The Elementary and Middle School Divisions, known as Kohelet Yeshiva Lab School and Kohelet Yeshiva Middle School, are committed to utilizing replicable, empirically supported, student-centered methods of pedagogy in order to maximize learning for all students in both Judaic and General Studies and advance the field of Jewish Education. The High School division, known as Kohelet Yeshiva High School, builds on these foundations by nurturing the talents and potential of every student while equipping them with the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed and to lead in the best yeshivot and seminaries, the finest colleges and universities, and well beyond.

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