Capital Camps
Capital Camps


11-50 employees

founded in


Capital Camps & Retreat provides enriching, summer overnight camp and year-round retreat services to children, families and organizations primarily from the Washington D.C., Maryland and Virginia areas. Founded in 1987, Capital Camps has enjoyed steady growth and is now close to capacity each summer with children ages eight to 17 on a sprawling renovated campus in the Catoctin Mountains. The Retreat Center, which hosts approximately 100 groups each year, is a center of learning and rejuvenation for adults, families, and organizations. CCRC is affiliated with the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore, JCCA (Jewish Community Center Association), ACA (American Camp Association), FJC (The Foundation for Jewish Camp), and JCamp 180 (a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation) For more information about the camp, go to, and for information about the retreat center.

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